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Showing posts from May, 2020

Melneka Bowers | Internet Marketing Consultant Or SEO Consultant

Melneka Bowers | Ever wondered what the difference is between internet marketing consultants and SEO consultants, what does one give you that the other one doesn’t. This article is aimed at establishing the differences and making you aware of what a full service internet marketing consultant should offer. So first of all what is an SEO consultant. An SEO consultant deals solely with optmising your webpages in attempt to rank high in the major search engines, they may cover things like keyword research optimisation and monitoring. An internet marketing consultant should do all of the above and then take things one step further. They should act like an online business advisor agreeing the best way forward for your online business, they should work with you rather than for you to maximise the profitability of your business using online marketing methods. An internet marketing consultant should first look at building keyword suggestions and come up with a list of around 100. These ...

Melneka Parker | Proactive Customer Service

Melneka Parker | History has shown that many companies think of customer service as a reactionary response to a customer issue/problem. In the past and still in present day Customer Service focuses on how to deal with customer complaints/issues after the customer is already unhappy about an issue. This is like closing the barn door after the horses got out. Melneka Parker Anyone who is in customer service knows that dealing with unhappy customers all day long makes for a very long day. If this happens day after day the problems for the company grow exponentially. A customer that has had service issues multiple times then turns into a very unhappy customer who may turn to your competitor…costing your company revenue and hurting your reputation. In addition, it burns out your customer service staff quickly. Customer service positions are notorious for high turn over rates. If your company has a reactionary customer service approach it results in a negative environment that substantia...

Melneka Parker | Building Your Business by Great Customer Service

Melneka Parker | Most business-owners would agree that having great customer service is one of the best ways to build your reputation and build your business. In fact, I would go so far as to say it’s essential, and the quality of customer service is the number one thing that pulls people back to your business, or pushes them away. However, many business owners often miss a part of the puzzle when it comes to customer service, and the effects can be devastating. The piece of the puzzle is not your staff, but the services you use that come into contact with your customers. Melneka Parker Here’s what I mean : Melneka Parker A little while ago I wanted to send a gift to a friend, and I decided a selection of wines would be perfect. So I found an online retailer and ordered. Everything was very smooth. There was a great selection of wines, the ordering process was easy, and the merchant gave you a tracking code to see exactly where your package was and when it would be delivered. ...

Melneka Parker | Four Ways to Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Melneka Parker | Obviously, without clients or customers, you would have no business. However, it is easy to neglect the importance of the customers. This becomes especially true during times of a slow economy or a recession. Often, you have so many responsibilities and worries that you may forget about the very basics of running a business. Take a moment to think about one of the most standard building blocks of your company: the customer. If your customers leave, then you will have no business, so it is definitely important to devote time to providing quality customer service. Here, you will find four ways that you can improve your company's customer service. 1. Present a personal image. Many people become frustrated with companies that offer robotic customer service. To make an impression, you must go farther. If you are a very small company, then you can go a long way simply by remembering customer names. Presenting yourself as a personalized, caring company is an important s...

Melneka Parker | 3 Ways to Provide Great Customer Service

Melneka Parker | There are many different ways to provide great customer service. Whether you work in retail serving external customers or back office serving internal customers, you have opportunities every day to provide great customer service. The tricky thing is that the definition of great service varies on the person you ask and the situation. What one person thinks is great customer service, another person says is normal service. What most customer service professionals forget is that it does not matter what they think is great service, it only matters what the customer thinks is great service. Here are three tips on how to provide great service in the eye of customers. Melneka Parker First, build trust with your customers. This applies to the first time you help a customer to the fiftieth time. If they trust you, they will return for more. Customers who trust you will be more satisfied, will refer their friends, and less likely to switch to a competitor. The easiest way to ...